Kidney Community Kitchen

Information and tools to help you manage your renal diet

Recipe printed from:

Spinach Ricotta Frittata

Spinach Ricotta Frittata

Recipe developed by Chef Leslie Cairns, photo credit olhaafanasieva/

Spinach Ricotta Frittata

This filling frittata is great served with a green salad and a vinegrette for brunch.


Omega 3 eggs
1 cup
ricotta cheese
1 tbsp
fresh herbs, chopped
1 tbsp
olive oil
medium onion, chopped
clove garlic, minced
2 cups
of raw spinach


Preheat the oven to 350° F.
Saute the onion and garlic in olive oil in a non-stick, oven safe pan.
Add spinach and saute until the spinach wilts.
Mix the eggs, ricotta cheese and fresh herbs together.
Add the egg mixture to the pan.
Finish cooking the frittata in the oven (approximately 10 minutes or until the top sets completely).
Serve warm.

Nutrient Analysis

  • Calories: 1332 KCal
  • Protein: 78 g
  • Carbohydrates: 24 g
  • Total Fat: 90 g
  • Sodium: 858 mg
  • Phosphorus: 1080 mg
  • Potassium: 1440 mg

3 thoughts on “Spinach Ricotta Frittata

  1. I was told not to serve cooked spinach because it is high potassium. Is it just in the measuring that there is a problem? I know that spinach is denser cooked, but is that why it’s on the “don’t use” list? Could I use a bit of cooked spinach to make this? Can I use spinach as long as I measure it raw?
    Is the same true of mushrooms? If they are measured raw, can they then be cooked in a soup or omelette?
    Is this also true of zucchini? If I measure them raw, can I then use them in soup safely?

      1. Hi Joan,

        Here’s what our team of dietitians had to say: Spinach, mushrooms as well as zucchinis cooked are in the list to be avoided because we tend to consume them a lot because they lose a lot of volume in the cooking. But you can eat them as long as you measure the portions recommended for you before the cooking and then you can cook them.

        Thanks for using the site!

        – Kidney Community Kitchen team

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