Recipe printed from:


By Chef Georges Laurier reviewed by Anne Kirby RD

Photo by Amirali Mirhashemian on Unsplash


This vegan ratatouille recipe is scrumptious and easy to make.


small zucchini
small eggplant
red bell pepper
sprigs basil
sprigs thyme
garlic clove
medium size tomato
60 ml
sunflower oil or olive oil
To taste: freshly ground pepper


Food Safety Tips: 

  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.  
  • Clean all countertops and equipment used for food preparation.  
  • Gently rinse all produce under cool running water.
  • Use separate equipment for handling raw food and cooked food. 


  1. Blanch tomatoes in salted boiling water and cool in ice water. 
  1. Peel tomatoes, remove the seeds, and set aside. 
  1. Separate the basil leaves from the stems and set aside. 
  1. Separate the thyme leaves from the stems and set aside. 
  1. Prepare the vegetables by cutting them into the proper size (5mm x 5mm) 
  1. Pour the oil into a large sauté pan and heat it. 
  1.  Add the onions, sweat, remove, and set aside. 
  1. Repeat the same process with the red and yellow peppers, eggplant, and zucchini. Season every vegetable with pepper from the mill. 
  1. Sauté tomatoes and add all reserved sautéed vegetables. 
  1. Season with pepper and garnish with fresh thyme leaves and basil. 

Nutrient Analysis

  • Calories: 289 KCal
  • Protein: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g
  • Fibre: 3 g
  • Total Fat: 26 g
  • Sodium: 7 mg
  • Phosphorus: 53 mg
  • Potassium: 442 mg

Renal Diet Nutrient Analysis

Servings per recipe: 2

Serving size: 1/2

Renal and Diabetic Exchanges

0.3 protein, 0.7 startch, 6 vegetables

What is one exchange?
  • 1 Protein Choice = 1oz of meat or 7g of dietary protein
  • 1 Starch Choice = about 15g of carbohydrates
  • 1 Fruit or Vegetable Choice = ½ cup
  • 1 Milk Choice = ½ cup