Kidney Community Kitchen

Information and tools to help you manage your renal diet

Recipe printed from:

Lime Grilled Turkey

Reprinted with permission from the Canadian Association Nephrology Dietitian cookbook Kidney Friendly Cooking, photo credit ajafoto/

Lime Grilled Turkey

Plan to make enough so you have leftovers. This recipe makes a great sandwich filling!


½ cup
(125 mL) lime juice
¼ cup
(60 mL) vegetable oil
2 tbsp
(30 mL) honey, liquid
1 tsp
(5 mL) thyme leaves, dried
1 tsp
(5 mL) rosemary, dried
⅔ lb
(300 g) turkey breast, skinless, boneless


1. Make marinade by mixing the first five ingredients.
2. Set aside 2 tbsp (30 mL) of marinade for basting.
3. Slice turkey breast in half lengthwise to make thinner pieces (like a hamburger bun is cut in half).
4. Add turkey to marinade and place in fridge for 1 – 2 hours.
5. Preheat oven broiler on high (500°F) or preheat barbeque.
6. Broil or grill turkey for 4 minutes per side until cooked through.
7. Use marinade set aside in step 2 to baste turkey while cooking.
8. Throw out leftover marinade.

Nutrient Analysis

  • Calories: 1036 KCal
  • Protein: 68 g
  • Carbohydrates: 44 g
  • Total Fat: 60 g
  • Sodium: 132 mg
  • Phosphorus: 672 mg
  • Potassium: 1216 mg

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